Getting admitted to a hospital can be a scary expe...
Mastectomy is surgery that involves the removal of...
Ms. Ruth Manyagi is the Manager of the CyberKnife unit at KUTRRH. CyberKnife is a form of advanced radiation therapy treatment, offering precise and effective treatment options for a wide range of medical conditions, especially cancer, while minimizing side effects and improving the overall patient experience.
Dr. Njogu Maina, a Consultant Physician – Nephrology @KUTTRH, explores who is vulnerable to Kidney Disease and the unexpected circumstances or events that might put these people at greater health risk.
Dr. Levi established Doctors Explain FM (a Patient Education and Management System part of the KUTRRH Medical Innovation and Accelerator Hub - MIAH) to make it possible for rural-based patients and those with mobility impairment to receive specialized medical care.