The Checkup Vol 4 Issue 7

Vol. 4 Issue 7 - August Edition

The Checkup

KUTRRH launches advanced endoscopy tower equipment and 20 dialysis machines. Also featured, KUTRRH showcases advancements in medical technologies in the 2023 devolution conference held in Eldoret.


  1. KUTRRH Launches Advanced Endoscopy Tower
  2. KUTRRH launches 20 Dialysis Machines
  3. NICU Staff Celebrate World Neonatal Nurses Day 2023
  4. Pictorial
  5. Hospital Based Health Technology Assessments (HB-HTA)
  6. 2023 Devolution Conference held in Eldoret
  7. The Society for Neuro- Oncology in Sub- Saharan Africa (SNOSSA) holds 2023 Conference
  8. High Standards of Radiation Safety at KUTRRH
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