KUTRRH pediatric unit offers timely, efficient, and effective quality patient-centered care to all the paeds since it has 5 different specialists, nurse-patient ratio of 1:1 in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit & Paediatric Intensive Care Unit and a ratio of 1:5 in the paediatric medical wards.
There are essential and sufficient equipment such as neonatal ventilators, NCPAP, incubators, phototherapy lights, resuscitates, and central lines among many more. To enhance specialized care, the paediatric unit is sub-divided into Neonatal unit and the paediatric unit.
The Neonatal unit carters for infants aged 0-1 month. It consists of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Neonatal High Dependency Unit (NHDU) and special care which carters for both surgical and medical conditions. Paediatric unit on the other hand caters for paeds aged above 1month to 13years. It consists of paediatric medical ward, paediatric surgical ward and medical care for newborns from home. It has a separate Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) and an Accident and Emergency Unit.
Services Offered At The New Born Unit (NBU) Are:
- Respiratory support by CPAP/ mechanical ventilation in NICU
- Surgery for babies born with congenital defects
- Cardiac monitoring
- Oxygen therapy:
- Incubator care
- Surfactant administration
- Phototherapy
- Exchange transfusion
- Isolation rooms with negative pressure for babies with sepsis
- Infusion pump/syringe pump for drug delivery
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Kangaroo mother care
- Lactation room
- Accommodation for mothers
- Cooling for asphyxiated babies
- Nebulization
Services Available At The Paediatric Department:
- Paediatric emergency unit
- Paediatric ward
- Paediatric intensive care unit
- Paediatric surgical ward
- Paediatric oncology ward
- Paediatric outpatient clinic on Wednesdays
- Paediatric surgical clinic on Wednesdays
- Paediatric cardiology
- Nutritional assessment and counselling
- Speech and language therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Physiotherapy
Services To Be Offered Soon:
- Well baby clinic
- Paediatric renal unit
- Paediatric specialized clinics (endocrinology, neurology, hematology, gastroenterology, nephrology, genetics, dermatology, allergy clinic, infectious disease, opthalmology, child psychiatry clinic, pulmonology – chest clinic, diabetes clinic)
- Child development centre
- Behavioural therapy
- Psychotherapy
- Audiology
Services Offered At The Paediatric Surgical Unit
Surgeries are performed on neonates and children with congenital defects or abnormalities.
These include:
- Hernia repair
- Laparotomy
- Anorectal reconstruction
- Pediatric urology,
- Pediatric surgical oncology
- Thoracotomy, vascular and peritoneal access among others.
We also offer Pediatric Surgical outpatient clinics (PSOPC) which is a specialized clinic that is conducted every Wednesday from 8 am- 1pm.