COSECSA Scholarship – Call for Applications
The College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA) is a non-profit making professional body that fosters postgraduate education in surgery and provides surgical training throughout the East, Central and Southern Africa region. The College delivers a common surgical training programme with a common examination and an internationally recognized surgical qualification in its membership programme in Basic Surgery and Fellowship Programme in Orthopedics; Pediatric orthopedics; Otorhinolaryngology; Urology; Pediatric Surgery; Neurosurgery; Cardiothoracic Surgery; Plastic Surgery and General Surgery.
Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral & Research Hospital (KUTRRH) is an approved COSECSA training centre. The Hospital is collaborating with COSESCA to provide a five (5) year scholarship programme commencing January 2023. The scholarship programme shall be awarded to two (2) qualified and eligible KUTRRH staff members wishing to study General Surgery within the COSESCA training programme.
The Hospital would therefore like to competitively nominate two (2) staff members for this exciting opportunity. To qualify for this scholarship you must meet the following minimum requirements:
- Must be serving the Hospital in the position of a Medical Officer and above, on full-time basis i.e. Permanent & Pensionable or on contract;
- Must have served the Hospital in the capacity of Medical Officer and above, for a minimum continuous period of three (3) years;
- Must have a valid practicing license from KMPDC;-
- Should have strong interest in the field of General Surgery;
- Rotation in a surgical unit for a minimum period of one (1) year will be an added advantage;
- Must have demonstrated a strong work ethic and a positive attitude towards work;
- Must have a clean disciplinary record;
Please note that staff who have completed or are already enrolled in a similar program and/or have previously benefitted from local or international training opportunities in the last one (1) year at the time of this advert, shall NOT be eligible to apply. The selection criteria shall include consideration of year of graduation and length of service with those who graduated earlier and those who have served the Hospital for a longer period being given priority.
If your background and competencies match the specifications above, please fill in the online application form via the link (you must log in to your KUTRRH email account), uploading the following documents; a personal statement indicating expected results or outcomes, an updated Curriculum Vitae, a copy of a valid practicing license and copies of relevant academic & professional certificates, on or before Monday, 10th October 2022.
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