KUTRRH has today received a 20,000-litre oxygen tank from the Ministry of Health, with funding from World Bank, in a boost to the Hospital’s front-line role in the fight against COVID 19.
The donation was received by the Chairperson of the KUTRRH Board, Prof. Olive Mugenda, who thanked MoH for the investment noting that it places KUTRRH in a vantage position. The Hospital has been receiving overwhelming numbers of COVID patients. The tank will be refilled for I year by MoH.
The oxygen will boost KUTRRH’s oxygen plant, which caters for COVID patients and other critically ill patients. Going forward, the health outcomes of critically ill patients at KUTRRH can only improve.
At the handover function, the Ministry of Health was represented by Dr. Anne Nganga, the Manager of the COVID 19 Emergency Response Project. The donations are part of the World Bank’s support to Kenya in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Before today’s donation, MoH had donated 15 ventilators to KUTRRH, still in a boost to KUTRRH’s involvement in the COVID 19 fight.