KUTRRH ICT Tree planting to commemorate digital milestones

A key ingredient behind our ability to deliver quality patient-centered care to Kenyans and beyond has been leveraging cutting-edge Technology and high-end digital talent.

November has been a significant month in KUTRRH’s past calendars regarding Digital Technology and innovation. To commemorate this noteworthy month, the ICT and Innovation Department planted trees on November 27th, 2022, to mark the following technological milestones in the Hospital’s digital transformation agenda.

Milestone 1 – November 13th, 2020: The Medical Innovation and Acceleration Hub (MIAH) is Launched

Part of the KUTRRH mandate is to conduct research. Under this wide domain are training, research, and innovation. The Hospital established the Medical Innovation and Accelerator Hub (MIAH) to incubate and nurture disruptive medical innovation in therapeutics, diagnostics, devices, equipment, and health procedures. Since its launch in 2022, the MIAH has nurtured two cohorts of 13 innovations and 16 unique intellectual properties. The accelerator will push the frontiers for quality, accessible and universal healthcare.

Milestone 2 – November 24th, 2020: Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) Went Live

The HMIS automates the clinical operations (end-to-end patient journey for outpatient and inpatient care) and the support operations procurement, inventory management, billing and payments, human resource management, imaging, equipment integration, and more. The HMIS is also paired with mobile apps to personalize health services (patients), healthcare work (clinical and nursing staff), and employee services. Automating systems and processes has played a crucial role in improving the patient’s experience, which is at the heart of KUTRRH.

Milestone 3 – November 20th, 2021: Structures to drive Compliance with the Data Protection Act are Set

The Hospital, cognizant of the requirements for data protection, established the Data Protection Committee. The Committee’s mandate is to drive compliance with personal data and private health information protection requirements. Coupled with implementing an information security management system, KUTRRH drives quality healthcare through quality data protection.

Milestone 4 – November 20th, 2022: Disaster Recovery Site is lit.

The Disaster Recovery service was lit to ensure business continuity. The need for minimum disruption of healthcare services and fast restoration of services in the event of a disruption drives it. This service will ensure that the HMIS and support digital infrastructure serve optimally. This will enable the Hospital to deliver uninterrupted service, including those offered in remote areas via telemedicine and home-based care.

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