14th June is World Blood Donor Day. It is an annual event celebrating the individuals who donate their life-saving blood and raising awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products.
Here are some of the reasons why you need to donate blood:
1. Donating blood is very important because it saves lives:
It is a critical resource for medical treatments, surgeries, and emergencies. It can help patients who have accidents, surgeries, or medical conditions such as cancer, blood disorders, or chronic illnesses. Donating blood can save someone’s life or improve their health.
Learn more about our: Blood Donor Unit.
2. The need for blood is constant because blood has a limited shelf life.
Blood products like red blood cells, platelets, and plasma are highly demanded for various medical procedures. Regular blood donations help maintain an adequate supply to meet the needs of patients.
3. Treating Medical Conditions:
Blood transfusions are essential for patients with severe anemia, hemophilia, immune disorders, and cancer. These individuals often require blood or blood products to restore lost blood volume, replenish clotting factors, or support their immune systems. Your blood donation facilitates them with the necessary treatment and improves their quality of life.
4. Emergency Situations:
During disasters, accidents, or natural calamities, there is often an increased need for blood donations. These situations can quickly deplete the available blood supply. By donating blood in advance or response to such events, you contribute to the preparedness and ability to provide immediate assistance to those affected.
Does Donating Blood have any Benefits for The Donors?
Blood donation can have health benefits for the donors as well. It can help in:
5. Reducing iron levels in the body,
6. Knowing one’s blood group,
7. Promoting the production of fresh red blood cells
8. Stimulating the body to replenish its blood supply.
9. Donors often receive a basic health check-up, including screening for certain diseases, which can provide valuable insights into their well-being.
10. Donating blood is a selfless act of giving that can provide a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Knowing that you have played a part in positively impacting someone’s life and well-being can be incredibly rewarding.
Note that according to WHO, only healthy candidates can donate blood. Thus consult a physician to assess your health status before you donate. It is also recommended that you undergo a hemoglobin level test before you donate.
By Esther Wanjiru – Communications Department